Accepted and registered papers can be included in( WCSE conferences proceedings). Papers presented in this conference will also be submitted for inclusion in (Scopus, Ei compendex.)
{ History }
WCSE 2018 | Bangkok, Thailand | ISBN: 978-981-11-7861-0 | EI, SCOPUS SucessfullyWCSE 2019 | Hong Kong | ISBN: 978-981-14-1684-2 | EI, SCOPUS SucessfullyWCSE 2020 | Online | ISBN: 978-981-14-4787-7 | EI, SCOPUS SucessfullyWCSE 2021 | Online | ISBN: 978-981-18-1791-5 | EI, SCOPUS Sucessfully within 3 monthsWCSE 2022 | Online | ISBN: 978-981-18-3959-7 | EI, SCOPUS Sucessfully within 3 monthsWCSE 2023 | Singapore | ISBN: 978-981-18-7950-0 | EI, SCOPUS soon...

{ Submission Method }1. Send your manuscript directly to conference official email: and wcse@sciei.org2. Submit your paper through easychair system:
{ Conference Scope }The works that will be presented and published at conference will focus on, but are not limited to, the following topics:
*Engineering*Earthquake engineeringArchitectural engineeringAerospace engineeringAcoustical engineeringArtificial intelligenceAutomotive engineeringBiomechanicsComputer Science & engineeringElectrical engineeringEnvironmental engineeringEngineering science and mechanicsEngineering economicsEngineering managementIndustrial engineering
*Information Technology*Signal processing and information fusionVoice, Video and Image ProcessingHuman-Computer Interaction TechniquesDatabase and Information MiningBioinformaticsKnowledge Acquisition and ProcessingInformation Management System
*Theories and Applications of Advanced Control*Nonlinear System ControlOptimal ControlRobust ControlAdaptive ControlNeural NetworkPattern RecognitionRandom System
*Computer and Communication Technology*Mobile and Wireless Communication NetworkNetwork ProtocolIntelligence Computation TechnologyNetwork SecuritySensor NetworkCloud ComputingMobile Communication...

{ Contact }Ms. Ashily X.W or
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.