The rapid aging of population worldwide has brought unprecedented social economic challenges to the society. Apart from physical, cognitive and emotional difficulties faced by senior citizens, two new types of challenges – social challenges and sustainable economic development challenges – are becoming more pronounced. Research and technology that will enable the elderly to lead an active, independent and dignified lifestyle are urgently needed.

The 5th International Conference on Ageless Aging (ICAA’17) will act as a forum to discuss advances in the state-of-the-art in research and practice to help the elderly enjoy an active and independent lifestyle. Authors from both academia and industry are invited to share their experience, vision, ideas and research about ageless aging. Both theoretical and practical contributions are welcome.

ICAA’17 welcomes submissions reporting research that advances ageless aging, broadly conceived. The conference scope includes multi-disciplinary areas, including (but not limited to) topics such as AI and data analytics, cognition and person-centric care, future nursing home, life-long learning, aging-in-place, serious games, productive aging, aging studies and test-bedding.

ICAA’17 will be jointly organized with two other conferences: the 2017 International Conference on Agents (ICA’17) and the 2017 International Conference on Crowd Science and Engineering (ICCSE’17). The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

AI and Data Analytics
Virtual Companions
Agent Emotion Modeling
Human-agent Interaction Design
Persuasion Technology
Elderly User Behavior Analysis and Modeling
Human Factors
Agent-based Personalized Rehabilitation
Intention Based Recommendation
Context Aware Optimization
Personalized Service Discovery and Matching

Cognition and Person-Centric Care
Cognitive Functioning
Models of Care
Preventive Intervention
 Cognitive Decline Prevention

Aging Study and Test-bedding
 Human computer interaction
 Participatory design and co-design approaches
 Culture awareness
Innovative technologies for test-bedding
Sustainability Future Nursing Home
 Assistive technologies to reduce manpower
 Data analytics for nursing home studies
Provision of companion and support to the residents
 Innovations to improve the well-being of the staff
Sustainable and affordable care models
 Designs to improve the living environment
 Other factors involved in future-ready nursing homes

Life-long Learning
 Measuring learning success
Motivational and affective aspects
 Learning analytics
 Educational datamining
 Human computer interaction
Adaptation and personalization

Unobtrusive sensing
Data-driven storytelling
Cognitive analytics
 Fall detection and prevention
Location tracking
 Social signal processing
 Auto indoor navigation
Explained computing
Internet-of-things Serious Games
 Motor and cognitive function analysis
 Predictive analytics
 Game data analytics
 Cognitive training and exercise
 Personalized rehabilitation
Gerontology disease prevention

Productive Aging
 Intergenerational communication
 Incentive mechanisms
 Recommendation systems
Behavior analytics

Industry Application
The emphasis of this track is on technical advances that address aging relevant problems and applications that stretch or present challenges to existing aging technologies.

The emphasis of this track is on visionary ideas, long-term challenges, and new research opportunities. This track will serve as an incubator for innovative approaches, provocative ideas, and to propose challenges and opportunities for the field in the near future.

ICAA’17 solicits original work submitted as a regular paper, limited to 6-8 pages, in IEEE format. Accepted papers will appear in the ICAA’17 proceedings. The authors of a selected number of top quality papers will be invited to extend their papers for further review and possible publication in special issues of reputable journals. Papers have to be submitted via the EasyChair submission page:

Awards will be conferred at the conference to the authors of (1) the best research paper, (2) the best student paper, and (3) the best blue-sky paper.

Concerning author instructions, conference registration, suggestions for the program and other inquiries, write to the ICAA’17 Program Committee at

Organizing Committee
Advisory Committees
 Thomas W. Calvert – Simon Fraser University, Canada
 Rabab Ward – The University of British Columbia, Canada
 Victor Lesser – University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Qiang Yang – Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Yueting Chai – Tsinghua University, China
Xiaoming Li – Peking University, China
 Ah Hwee Tan – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

General Chairs
 Cyril Leung – University of British Columbia, Canada
 Chunyan Miao – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
 Chin Jing Jih – Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

Programme Committee Chairs
 Jane Z. Wang – University of British Columbia, Canada
Qingming Huang – University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Yonggang Wen – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
 Jie Zheng – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Demo/Post/Workshop/Industry Chairs
 Zhiqi Shen – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
 Jun Lin – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
 Wen Ji – Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
 Zhongke Wu – Beijing Normal University, China
Yongqing Zheng – Shandong University, China
Simon Fauvel – University of British Columbia, Canada

Publicity Committee
 Qiong Wu – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Liang Zou – The University of British Columbia, Canada
 Minting Huang – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
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