The unique idea behind 9th International Research Conference on Science, Health and Medicine 2018 (IRCSHM 2018) is to provide an opportunity for leading academicians, scientists, researchers, doctors, medical practitioners, nurses and various industry professionals from around the world to network and have scientific discussion on the latest advancements in the closely interlinked domains in science, medicine and health and it’s research benefits for each other’s domain progress. IRCSHM 2018 will address multiple topics and issues of interest in the areas of science, medicine and health by practical exposure in the form of specialized sessions, poster presentations, plenary sessions and renowned speeches from the leading practitioners reinforcing the upcoming challenges to be faced and their potential solutions. IRCSHM 2018 will be co-located with Twelfth International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management 2018 and Fourth International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Economics and Education 2018 to have more meaningful interaction with the participants from various parts of the world. The 9th International Research Conference on Science, Health and Medicine 2018 (IRCSHM 2018) is a premier event that address the new advancements and challenges in the field of Science, Health and Medicine. IRCSHM 2018 will be held in Hotel Novotel Paris Creteil le Lac, Paris, France during July 6 & 7, 2018. Journal Publication: IRCSHM 2018 Conference Proceedings will undergo double blind peer review process by competent reviewers in the field. IRCSHM 2018 coordinates with authors and Journals to ensure high quality research work could achieve esteemed publication. According to this initiative, all the registered papers presented in IRCSHM 2018 will be recommended for publication consideration with Indexed Journals according to the participating Journal publishing policies and requirements. 1.International Journal of Research in Science (IJRS) (Regular Issue) (ISSN 2412 - 4389 - Online), IJRS is indexed in many professional databases. 2.International Journal of Health and Medicine (IJHM) (Regular Issue) (ISSN 2518-0630 - Online), IJHM is indexed in many professional databases. 3.International Journal of System Modeling and Simulation (IJSMS) (Regular Issue) (ISSN Online: 2518-0959),IJSMS is indexed in many professional databases. 4.International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering (IJARE) (Regular Issue) (ISSN 2412-4362(Online)),IJARE is indexed in many professional databases. Note: One Best Paper presentation will be selected from each oral session based on the score of the Technical Session Chair. The Certificate for Best Paper Presentation will be awarded during the conference.
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.