The Conference Advisory Board has outlined two important objectives for those who attend this upcoming conference in the city of Zurich. Firstly, networking provides valuable opportunities for people to identify like-minded individuals who can work with them on multiple aspects. In addition, you would, perhaps, learn from them many interesting facets or characteristics that might result in interesting outcomes useful to your discipline or sometimes to the entire humanity. We intend to provide a great platform for you to meet with the right people to develop lasting friendship and research partnerships. Great Feedback through Discussions! The second foremost aim of the conference is to provide a platform where you would get very valuable feedback from fellow academics through in-depth discussions and conversations. Obviously, face-to-face discussions is the best form to obtain feedback on the strength and weaknesses of your research papers. Conference Tracks Business, Economics, Finance, Accounting & Banking Learning, Education & Pedagogy Social Sciences, Arts, Humanities & Language Information Technology, E-Commerce & Applied Sciences Marketing, Tourism & Hospitality