To ensure the sustainable development of environment and society, effective measures are gradually adopted by internationals. Low-Carbonization obviously becomes a global common tendency. Low Carbon Society not only includes the revolution of the society development but also represents the new life styles and concepts.

The 10th International Congress on Engineering and Information (ICEAI) will take place from May 6-8, 2020 at Fukuoka, Japan. ICEAI is an international program for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices. It’s our pleasure to welcome prospective authors to submit original research abstracts or full papers. Aiming to creating a better living environment by mitigating air pollution from industry and transportation, the conference of this year focuses on topics “Low Carbon Society” but not limited to:

■ Low Carbon Technology

■ Earth Sciences

■ Environmental Sciences

■ Engineering

■ Information and Applied Sciences

■ More Fields related but not limited



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