Change management is a structured approach for ensuring that changes are thoroughly and smoothly implemented, and that the lasting benefits of change are achieved. Quality development is considered to be one of the most important change management achievements in organizations as well as in national economies. Essential for quality development is quality assurance, using a continuous quality improvement cycle of monitoring performance against goals and working for improvement. The subject of the conference is focused on the potentials of companies and countries to manage quality development in the most efficient and effective ways. Special emphasis is placed on the following topics in business and economic studies: Topics of interest · Change management · Corporate governance · Crisis management · Transparency, ethics in business and policy making · Leadership · Quality management assurance & control · HRM · SME & entrepreneurship · Social decision making and responsibility · Strategy & competitive advantage · Digital transformation and digital economy · Game-changers in business: IoT, AI, VR, AR and similar · IT governance, IT/Business Strategic Alignment and e-Business · Industrial revolution 4.0 · Financial reporting, controlling and audit · From bureaucratic to network organizations · Managing quality in higher education · The role of international accreditations in education · Education and lifelong learning · Marketing management · Tourism management and development · R&D and innovation · Financial markets and institutions · Fiscal and monetary policy · Environmental, resource, regulatory and energy economics · Poverty, distribution of income and unemployment . Papers on other relevant issues are also welcome English is the official language of the Conference top Keynote Speakers Professor Ulrich Hommel EBS Business School, Germany Professor Mark C. Strazicich Appalachian State University, USA top Conference Proceedings All final papers will be double blind refereed. Extended abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings. CD-ROM with full papers will be distributed among the participants at the Conference (both infer an ISBN reference and are indexed/referenced in EBSCO, EconLit and ProQuest). Full papers presented at the conference will be available through RePEc. Selected papers will be considered for publication in a separate volume of journals Acta Turistica and Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business (ZIREB). Indexing/abstracting: EconLit, ProQuest, EBSCO top Important Deadlines Abstract submission (max 500 words): October 30, 2017 The abstract submission deadline has been extended to final deadline January 15 2018 The participation at the conference is also possible with an extended abstract only. In this case, the deadline for abstract submission is March 15 Feedback from the Organizing Committee: December 1, 2017 Full paper submission (approx. 5000 words): February 15, 2018 The full paper submission deadline has been extended to final deadline March 03, 2018 Final paper acceptance notification: March 31, 2018 top Submission Format All final papers should be submitted in English (instructions for authors), carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling.
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