Accepted papers of ICFL 2024 will be published into one of the following Journals based on the paper topic:
* International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET, ISSN: 2010-3689) Abstracting/ Indexing: Scopus (CiteScore 2022: 2.0), INSPEC (IET), UGC-CARE List (India), CNKI, EBSCO, Electronic Journals Library, Google Scholar, Crossref, etc.
* International Journal of Learning and Teaching (IJLT, ISSN: 2377-2905) Abstracting/Indexing: Google Scholar; Crossref, CNKI, etc.

◆Topics (Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:)
 ▪ Artificial intelligence in education ▪ Learning analytics and big data ▪ Augmented and virtual reality in education ▪ E-learning and m-learning ▪ Gamification and game-based learning ▪ Pedagogy and instructional design ▪ Learning technologies and tools ▪ Educational psychology and cognitive science ▪ Digital literacy and media education ▪ STEM education and 21st century skills
For more topics, please visit: http://icfl18.com/cfp.html

◆Submission Instructions
 - English is the official language of the conference. The paper should be written and presented only in English. 
- The submitted papers should be no less than 6 pages. When paper exceeds 7 printed pages, including all figures, tables, and references, extra page will be charged. Papers exceeding 12 pages will not be accepted. 
- If you want to make a presentation and publish your paper, submit a full paper (no less than 6 Pages); just want to make a presentation, abstract is enough. 
- Submission: 
1) By online submission system: https://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icfl2024 
2) By Email: icfl@iacsit.net 
3) Template: Please prepare your paper according to one of the below templates (IJIET Template-http://www.ijiet.org/files/IJIET_template.doc; IJLT Template-http://www.ijlt.org/Useful_Documents/IJLT-template.doc) before submission.

◆General Program
The conference final program can be available in the middle of October 2024. For your convenience, schedule at a glance is given below.
Day 1 - November 8, 2024 -10:00-17:00 | Onsite Registration & Conference Materials Collection -14:00-17:00 | Campus Tour Day 2 - November 9, 2024 -09:00-12:00 | Opening Remark and Keynote Speeches -12:00-13:30 | Lunch -13:30-18:00 | Oral Sessions & Poster Sessions -18:30-20:00 | Award Ceremony & Dinner Banquet
Day 3 - November 10, 2024 -09:00-12:00 | Invited Speeches & Oral Sessions -13:00-18:00 | City Tour

◆Contact us
Conference secretary: Miss Chloe Jiang Email: icfl@iacsit.net Tel: +86-19180927671 Website: http://icfl18.com/ Office Hours: 9:30--18:00, Monday to Friday (GMT+8 Time Zone)
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