Happiness, health and quality of life has become an important part of modern life in which more have been lifted out of poverty and live in prosperity in human history. The economic growth and wealth, however, have not always been translated into happiness, health and quality of life. Industrialization, urbanization, commercialization and technology that have brought many benefits have also destroyed in some parts traditional values, cultures, environment, and way of life for many communities. The focus on this conference is to examine factors that promote happiness, health and quality life and ways to alleviate the devastating physiological, psychological and social consequences of environmental disasters, societal poverty, community disintegration, and the experience of stress and depression. Coping with stress and promoting health are important aspect of well-being. Traditional medical and psychological theories have focused on physiological basis of health. However, recent researches indicate that relational, social, community, cultural and spiritual factors promote happiness, health and quality of life and well-functioning families and communities mediate the experience of stress and promote health and promoting well-being. The goal of the Ninth International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology is to understand factors that promote happiness, health and well-being. The second goal is to examine how human thoughts, emotions and actions in local, social, cultural and global context influence happiness, health and well-being. The third goal is to integrate arts and humanities with social sciences to understand happiness, health and well-being. The final goal is to contribute to development of psychological knowledge that is relevant, useful and universal that would promote happiness, health and well-being. Koto Kinabalu, Malaysia is ideally suited to host the Ninth International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, with its diverse cultures, religions and way of life. Koto Kinabalu represents an example of people living in harmony with nature and diverse cultures with viable and well-functioning communities. Indigenous way of life is dominant and culture provides a basis for alleviating stress and promoting health and well-being.
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