✿ Submissions will be sent to at least two conference committee members for peer review. Accepted, registered, and presented papers will be included into Conference Proceedings and submitted to be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, etc....
Selected excellent papers will be recommended to Journal of Communications or Journal of Advances in Information Technology.
✿ Journal of Advances in Information Technology (ISSN: 1798-2340 (Online))indexed by ESCI (Web of Science), Scopus (Since 2020), CNKI, etc.Impact Factor 2022: 1.0 | CiteScore 2022: 3.1
✿ Journal of Communications (ISSN: 1796-2021 (Online); 2374-4367 (Print))indexed by Scopus, DBLP, CrossRef, EBSCO, Google Scholar, CNKI, etc.CiteScore 2022: 2.5

I. Mobile CommunicationWireless and Communication Network;Cognitive Radio Network;6G, 5G Wireless Communications, PS-LTE, LTE-R, LTE-Advanced;WLAN, WPAN;Wireless Ad-hoc and Mesh Network;Small Cell Networks;Heterogeneous Networks, Cooperative/non-cooperative communications, M2M and MTC communications, Energy efficient communications and green networking, Multihop communications:Ad hoc, WSN, DTN, VANET
II. NetworksSmart and Cooperative Networks;Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET);QoE, QoS, SLA, and GoS;Future Internet and Network;SDN and Network Virtualization;Network Architecture, Network Interfaces, Network Reliability, Network Performance, Network Management, Network protocols, Internet of things (IoT)
III. Security IssuesCryptography;Network Security;Wireless Network Security;Information Hiding, Stegnography, Watermarking;Security in High speed network; Biometrics;Identification and trust Methodology;Forensic, Peer to Peer Security Network intrusion, detection and prevention
For details about topics, please visit: http://www.icinc.org/cfp.html

Full paper/Abstract: https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/icinc2024More details about submission, please visit: http://www.icinc.org/sub.html

October 9, 2024---Conference Registration and Materials CollectionOctober 10, 2024---Openning Remarks & Keynote Speeches & SessionsOctober 11, 2024---Online SessionsNote: The final program is subject to change due to necessary adjustment.

Sia Liu (Conference Secretary)
E-mail: icinc_general@outlook.com
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