Spaces & Flows: Ninth International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies - Marsilius Kolleg, Heidelberg University conf-id-678 Dates of Conference: October 25-26, 2018 Address of Event: Grabengasse 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany Location: Marsilius Kolleg, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany Deadline for Submission: Conference Chair: David Wilson is Professor of Geography and Geographic Information Science and African American Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is the author of Cities and Race: the New American Black Ghetto (2007) and Inventing Black-On-Black Violence: Discourse, Space Representation (2005). He is a founding member of the Spaces & Flows Research Network. Description: Spaces and Flows: International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies attendees include leaders in the field, as well as emerging scholars, who travel to the conference from all corners of the globe and represent a broad range of disciplines and perspectives. A variety of presentation options and session types offer opportunities for attendees to share their work, discuss key issues in the field, and build relationships with attendees. Submission Guidelines: Presentation Type - Paper Presentation: This type of session is best suited for reports on completed research or scholarly work. Authors present summaries or overviews of their work, describing the essential features (related to purpose, procedures, outcomes or product). The formal oral presentation of work should be limited to 20 minutes. Presentations are grouped according to topic or perspective into these themed sessions (which are usually either 75 or 100 minutes), with time provided after all of the presentations for Q&A and group discussion. Authors are welcome to include visual supports (paper handouts, computer slides, or digital displays) to assist delivery of their oral presentation. Please note that we cannot provide photocopying facilities at the conference, but we will provide data projectors in each room. Multiple-authored presentations are welcome, although only one article may be submitted to the journal based on each presentation. Poster: This format is ideal for presenting preliminary results of work in progress or for projects that lend themselves to visual displays and representations. In these sessions (generally about 45 minutes), a number of authors have the opportunity to display or exhibit their work and engage in informal discussion about their work with other delegates throughout the session. Displays may be posters (maximum 121.92x91.44 centimeters/4x3 feet), digital/computer displays, artwork, or other visual media. Each display should include a brief abstract of the purpose and procedures of the work; handouts or copies of written material may also be available. Space for the poster or exhibit will be provided by the Conference, however all materials must be organized by the presenter, including posters, displays, handouts or other appropriate materials. Please note that we cannot guarantee a dedicated power source for each presenter. Authors may submit a formal paper describing their work to the journal associated with their proposal. Colloquium: This Conference Session is scheduled for 90 minutes and involves five authors who are proposing a set of papers based on a shared theme or topic. The papers may present complementary aspects of a specific body of work, or contrasting perspectives on a specified topic. There must be at least five registered participants (for example, a Chair and four presenters, or five presenters). The presenters should conceive and design the session to allow time for individual presentations (approximately 15 minutes each) and at least 15 minutes of audience discussion or question-and-answer. All participants must be listed on the proposal submission form (list as one primary author, and 4 or more co-authors). Either a single article or multiple articles may be submitted to the journal based on the content of a colloquium session. Focused Discussion: This type of session is best suited for position papers, reviews of theoretical or conceptual frameworks, works-in-progress, policy analysis, or topics that generate, or benefit from, extended discussion. Authors are each assigned a numbered table in a large meeting room for the full session (usually about 40 minutes), during which time they converse and interact with interested delegates who join them at their table. The discussion may begin with the author presenting a synopsis of their work, to generate discussion on the topic. Authors are encouraged to bring copies of their papers and/or a short handout summarizing their work for distribution at their tables. Multiple authors of a single paper may participate, and one article per roundtable may be submitted for publication. Workshop Sessions: Workshop sessions involve extensive interaction between presenters and participants around an idea or hands-on experience of a practice. These sessions may also take the form of a crafted panel, staged conversation, dialogue or debate – all involving substantial interaction with the audience. A single article (jointly authored, if appropriate) may be submitted to the journal based on a workshop session. Virtual Poster: This format is ideal for presenting preliminary results of work in progress or for projects that lend themselves to visual displays and representations. Each poster should include a brief abstract of the purpose and procedures of the work. After acceptance, presenters are provided with a template, and Virtual Posters are submitted as a PDF or in PowerPoint. Final posters must be submitted at least one month prior to the conference start date. Full papers can based in the virtual poster can also be submitted for consideration in the journal. Virtual Lightning Talk: Lightning talks are 5-minute "flash" video presentations. Authors present summaries or overviews of their work, describing the essential features (related to purpose, procedures, outcomes, or product). Like Paper Presentations, Lightning Talks are grouped according to topic or perspective into themed sessions. Authors are welcome to submit traditional "lecture style" videos or videos that use visual supports like PowerPoint. Final videos must be submitted at least one month prior to the conference start date. After the conference, videos are then presented on the Research Network YouTube channel. Full papers can based in the virtual poster can also be submitted for consideration in the journal. Innovation Showcase (Available for select conferences only): Researchers and innovators present products or research and development. All presentations should be grounded in presenters' research experience. Promotional conversations are permissible, however, products or services may not be sold at the conference venue. Authors may submit a formal article describing their research to The Organization Collection. Contact: Cost: See Website for Details, many different variety of costs, depending on Member, One day Registration, Student Registration, Member or Non Member, etc. – Also shows in US$, but location is in Germany Key Dates: Advance Registration – 25 January 2018 Early Registration Deadline – 25 April 2018 Regular Registration Deadline – 25 September 2018 Late Registration Deadline – 25 October 2018
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.