*Call for Paper*
 Modern Advanced Control StrategiesData Analysis, Prediction & Model IdentificationDecision Making and Information RetrievalControl System ApplicationMultimedia and Communication SystemsHybrid SystemsHuman-Machine SystemsRobotics and AutomationFor details about topics, please visit at http://www.iccrc.org/cfp.html

All submitted papers must be written in English. Accepted papers will be published in CRC 2024 Conference Proceedings, which will be published in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, and other indexing services.

*Submission Methods*
1.Full Paper(publication and Presentation)
2.Abstract(Presentation Only)
Online Submission System: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=crc2024Email: crccontact@163.comNote: Only Full paper submission will be published in conference proceedings if accepted.

*Conference Venue*
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

*Contact Us*
Conference Secretary: Ms. HUANG
E-mail: crccontact@163.com
Web: http://www.iccrc.org/
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