You are an expert from industry or academia in the field of power electronics and would like to present your latest developments and research findings to a highly-qualified audience of more than 800 conference attendees?

Then PCIM Europe 2018 is waiting for you!

Take the chance and become a speaker at the leading event in the field of power electronics, combining an application-oriented conference with an international exhibition.

Topics of Interest:
1. Power Semiconductors
2. Thermal Management and Packaging
3. Control and Drive Strategies in Power Converters
4. Electronic Power Converters
5. Power Electronics in Automotive,Traction and Aerospace
6. Motors and Actuators
7. Control Techniques in Intelligent Motion Systems
8. Applications for Drives & Motion Control
9. Motor Drives in Automation
10. New and Renewable Energy Systems
11. Energy Storage
12. Smart Grid & Communication
13. Power Quality Solutions
14. Power Electronics in Transmission Systems
15. Software Tools and Applications
16. Passive Components and New Materials
17. Sensors
18. Metering and Diagnostics and Standards
19. System Reliability
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