The conference invites participation to submit unpublished theoretical, empirical and scientific papers focusing on following tracks. We accept preliminary findings, unfinished papers, project findings, and articles

Conference Proceedings

All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference abstract book with ISBN. The full papers will be accepted through a double blind reviewed process and will be published online.

WHY BMEM2018 in Dubai

The top 6 reasons why it is important for you to participate in CONFERENCE LAND
1. Contribute to and learn about the most recent advances in YOUR field
BMEM of development, (e.g., preliminary findings, recently collected data, or data that is waiting to be published). This will allow you to present your most up-to- date findings and receive feedback from colleagues, which will help you when you ultimately write up your study.

Representing your field of interest allows researchers in other disciplines, policy-makers, and the public to become aware of the innovative research being generated in your particular sub field. As scientists, it is important that we share our research findings with people outside our specific discipline to increase the visibility of our research and provide interested individuals with more information.

3. Learn how to talk about your data
BMEM provides a way to practice your presentation skills and can help you develop the expertise needed to discuss your research in a clear and meaningful way. Learning how to answer specific questions and present your data to a range of individuals will help you in other endeavors, including future conference presentations, masters or dissertation defenses, and classroom teaching.

4. Contribute to your overall research profile
A history of conference presentations will show potential employers that you regularly disseminate your research finding to colleagues as well as keep up-to- date on the cutting-edge research of the field.

5. Meet other researchers in your field and potential contacts for future positions
The presentations that you give and attend are likely to be frequented by researchers with similar interests, giving you the opportunity to discuss your research and learn valuable information from people working with similar techniques, populations, or statistics.

6. Future employment or post-doctoral placements
Establishing contacts with other scientists will foster friendships with motivated researchers who can be resources for you at any stage of your career. An additional advantage of meeting researchers with common interests is that you may be able to create contacts for future employment or post-doctoral placements, allowing you to learn of available positions sooner than those who wait for advertisements to be posted. Therefore, it is the goal of CONFERENCE LAND to invite original research to share knowledge, exchange ideas and establish academic relationships.

با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.