★ Publication★
Submissions will be peer reviewed by both the conference scientific committees and journal editorial board, and accepted papers will be published in International Journal of Modeling and Optimization. The scientific committees will perform a pre-review for your papers to see if your paper fits the scope of the journal.

★Call for paper★
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:Big Data ApplicationsNew Computational Models for Big DataNew Data StandardsSocial Data AnalyticsSocial Web Search and MiningBig Data as a ServiceBig Data InfrastructureBig Data Search and MiningBig Data Security, Privacy and TrustCloud/Grid/Stream Computing for Big DataData and Information Quality for Big DataFor details about topics and our tracks, please via http://www.bdmo.org/cfp.html

Authors are advised to submit your abstract or full-length paper via Submission System. Please submit the paper as a PDF file. The file size should not exceed 10 MByte. Electronic Submission System (.pdf) or through email bdmo_conf@outlook.com (.pdf or .doc) directly.
1. Submission System:https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/bdmo20242. Submit to email: bdmo_conf@outlook.comMore detail about submission, please via http://www.bdmo.org/sub.html

★Conference Schedule★
October 9, 2024 Conference Registration and Materials Collection,Visit October 10, 2024 Openning Remarks & Keynote Speech & Parallel Sessions & Gala DinnerOctober 11, 2024 Online Sessions

Conference Secretary: Jessie Huang
E-mail: bdmo_conf@outlook.com
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