2022 5th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Image and Visualization (CCGIV 2022)


Venue: Guilin, China (both online and in-person)

Conference Date: Oct. 21-23, 2022

2022 5th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Image and Visualization (CCGIV 2022) will be held in Guilin, China during Oct. 21-23, 2022 along with 2022 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2022). CCGIV 2022 is the workshop of CSSE 2022 which is co-organized by Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guangxi Key Laboratory of Cryptography and Information Security and The International Society for Applied Computing (ISAC). CSSE 2022 is sponsored by Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guangxi Key Laboratory of Cryptography and Information Security, The International Society for Applied Computing (ISAC), and University of Santo Tomas, Philippines.

During the upcoming conference, the invited renowned professors will share with us the recent innovations in the fields of Computer Graphics, Image and Visualization. The conference will mainly feature on keynote speeches as well as peer-reviewed paper presentations. In addition, social program or academic visit will be arranged to encourage communication, discussion or cooperation among the researchers in this field.

We invite submissions of papers presenting an original high-quality research and development for the conference. All papers must be written in English and will be peer-reviewed by technical committees of the Conference and all accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

*Conference Speakers:

Keynote Speaker I:

Prof. Changsheng Xu, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China(ACM Distinguished Scientist / IEEE Fellow / IAPR Fellow)

Keynote Speaker II:Prof. Xudong Jiang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (IEEE Fellow)

Keynote Speaker III:Prof. Ding Yong, Guilin University Of Electronic Technology, China

*Call for papers:

Computer graphics

Graphics Hardware

Graphical human computer interfaces

Graphics System Architecture

Graphic Toolkits

Shape and Image Retrieval

Parallel graphics

GPU graphics

Computational photography

Parallel graphics

Image processing

Image based rendering

Medical imaging

Computer vision

Virtual reality

3D Printing

Surface and Volume Deformation

Parallel Systems and GPU

(formore topics:http://www.csse2021.net/Call%20for%20Papers.html)

*Publication and indexing:

★All accepted and registered papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings and published byACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-9779-7), which will be archived in theACM Digital Library, and indexed byEi Compendex and Scopus.

★CCGIV 2021 Conference Proceeding has been published byACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-9067-5) and indexed byEI Compendex and Scopus successfullywithin 1 month after publication!(See details)

★CCGIV 2020 Conference Proceedings have been published byACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-7552-8) and indexed byEI Compendex and Scopus successfullywithin 2 months after publication!(See details)

★CCGIV 2019 Conference Proceedings have been published byACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-7172-8) and indexed byEI Compendex and Scopus successfullyabout 1 month after publication! (See details)

*Submission Methods:

1. Online Submission System:https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CCGIV2022

2. Submission Email:ccgiv@applied-computing.net

3.Submission guidelines:http://www.ccgiv2022.net/Submission%20Guidelines.html

*Join the conference as:Authors:Authors are expected to submit full papers to the submission system for further review by our Technical Committees. All accepted papers after proper registration and presentation in the conference will be published and submitted for indexing.

Presenters Only:The presenters are expected to submit abstracts only for presentation in the conference without paper publication in the conference proceedings.

Listeners:Listeners are expected to attend the conference without paper presentation or publication.


PhD-holders in the research fields ofComputer Graphics, Image and Visualization are welcome to be our reviewers and a certificate can be issued.

Sponsors/Partners:If you are interested in cooperating with us, such as sponsoring or being a partner of CCGIV 2022, you are welcome to contact us at:ccgiv@applied-computing.net

*Contact us:


Conference Secretary: Mr. Eddie Lee

Tel: (+852) 6359 2147


If you have any question or request about our conference, no matter regarding submission, registration, participation or any further question, please send email to us and you will get feedback within 24 hours.

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