Over the past years, interests on relevant topics has remarkably increased. Novel ideas and impressive effort on data analysis and software engineering, intelligent business and enterprise management, product design and management, and modern information technology and applications are the evidence of good attempts and significant progress in the fields. The main aim of IMMS 2023 has always been bringing together a large group of researchers, scientists, academics, engineers, directors, managers, consultants and analysts in the area of information management and management science from all over the world, to share much more than research findings, among other things, culture and history. It provides a high-standard international forum for exchanging brilliant ideas and experience. The distinguished speakers have provided different perspectives of research and results in different countries. All the full papers will go through a rigorous blind peer-reviewing process.

After a rigorous reviewing process, accepted papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published byIMMS 2023 International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM (ISBN: 979-8-4007-0768-1), which will be submitted for ACM Digital Library inclusion andEi Compendex, Scopus index, etc.
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