The world economy is rapidly expanding and it has witnessed bewildering development in the field of technology, individuals , familial and social values and the rapidly moving patterns of consumer tastes and preferences. These tectonic shifts have not only changed the very contours of society, business , Industry and environment., however also altered the whole landscape of entire human activity. In the fast changing dynamics of global economic scenario to have a proper balance and progressive approach the authentic leadership has now become crucial issue. Effective leadership continue to be the core of creation and implementation of winning strategies to get ordinary people to do the extra ordinary things. The present global era is not just labour intensive or not just materials intensive but knowledge intensive . Strategic and innovative learning interlinked with the inspiring leadership would help in performing the alchemy of fostering of sustainable innovation. Alchemy of leadership for of innovation and sustainability should now address to the innovative business models and managerial decisions grounded in the financial, environmental and social concerns. Sustainable innovations should , Create financial value, Know how their actions affect the environment and actively address those impacts, Care about their employees, customers and communities and work to make positive social change. The leadership should understand these elements are intimately connected to each other. Compared to company that focus on short-term profits and make decisions based solely on the bottom line, leadership of sustainable companies think long term. They forge strong relationships with employees and members of the community. They find ways to reduce the amount of natural resources they consume and the amount of waste and pollution they produce. Sustainability has become a much discussed issue on the Global level. To face the various challenges related with the Sustainability new and new skill sets are required in every walk of life. In the skill development process obsolete dimensions are not having any relevance today. Now this era require Innovative leadership with every kind of skill sets whether its Managerial, Technical or Human Skill to achieve the organizational goal of Sustainable Development. Global Economy is now looking towards a global leadership to develop the leadership chain up to the Bottom of Pyramid passing through every sphere of life. At the same time its a great need of hour to concentrate on the Global Sustainability Issues based on the Triple Bottom Line Model of “3P” i.e. People , Planet & Profit and see how the Innovative approaches in the leadership development process helping in the entire gamut of Sustainable Development keeping care of Equity of Society , Economy & Environment. Looking to the above dimensions of Leadership , School of Management Sciences, Varanasi is going to organize its 6th International Conference on “Alchemy of Leadership for Innovation & Sustainability ”.
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