Call for papers
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Track 1: Advanced MaterialsCeramics, Shape Memory Alloys and NanomaterialsMaterials for Aerospace ApplicationsPolymers and Polymer CompositesGlasses and Amorphous SystemsCharacterization and TestingMEMS/NEMSBio MaterialsBuilding MaterialsChemical MaterialsOptical/Electronic MaterialsMagnetic MaterialsCryogenic MaterialsTrack 2: Manufacturing TechnologiesMicro/Nano MachiningMetal FormingGreen ManufacturingNon-Conventional Machining ProcessesAdditive ManufacturingMetal JoiningSubtractive ManufacturingSustainable Manufacturing TechnologiesVibration EngineeringMechanical Dynamics and VibrationMechanical StrengthMechanical DesignMore Topics, please visit at:

Like the previous conferences, submitted papers will be sent to around 2-3 reviewers for peer review. And accepted papers will be published in a volume of Key Engineering Materials(ISSN print 1013-9826; ISSN cd 1662-9809; ISSN web 1662-9795).- Accepted papers in ICMMT 2020-2022 have indexed by Scopus successfully.

1. Full paper (publication and presentation)
2. Abstract (presentation only)
Please submit your paper by Electronic Submission System:
Send your enquiry to: icmmt@asr.orgMore details about submission, please visit at: 

Contact:Ms. Allison Fung / Ms. (Secretary of ICMMT 2024)
Tel: +86-13258111117 (Working day: 10:00am-5:30pm)
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