26th to 30th June 2018 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Contact person: Julie Barie Join over 1000 economists from around the world for this marketplace of ideas! All areas of economics are welcome. Keynote Address by Orley Ashenfelter, Princeton University. Organized by: Western Economic Association International Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 15th December 2017 93rd Annual Conference Tuesday-Saturday, June 26-30, 2018 | Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, British Columbia, Canada Keynote Addresses Charles Manski, Northwestern University Orley Ashenfelter, Princeton University, Presidential Address President-Elect Featured Sessions Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia, "Improving Measurement for Productivity Analysis" more to come! Participating Allied Societies WEAI Annual Conferences regularly include participation by Allied Societies. Allied Societies organize anywhere from just a few sessions to an entire conference including membership and board meetings. Whether your group is long-established or part of an emerging specialty, WEAI can help bring your members together and increase your visibility within the discipline. Questions? Call 714-965-8800 or e-mail sessions@weai.org for more information. American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE) Orley Ashenfelter, Princeton University AEA Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession (CSMGEP) Ebonya Washington, Yale University AEA Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP) Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, San Diego State University American Society of Hispanic Economists (ASHE) Susan Pozo, Western Michigan University Association for Economic and Development Studies on Bangladesh (AEDSB) Sakib Mahmud, University of Wisconsin-Superior Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Trudy Ann Cameron, University of Oregon Cliometric Society (CS) Michael Haupert, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse Economic History Association (EHA) Michael Haupert, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse Financial Data Science Association (FDSA) Andreas Hoepner, University College Dublin International Banking, Economics and Finance Association (IBEFA) Michael Koetter, Halle Institute for Economic Research, Germany International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS) Tibor Besedes, Georgia Institute of Technology Korea International Finance Association (KIFA) Hee-Yul Chai, Kyonggi University The Korea-America Economic Association (KAEA) Jaebeom Kim, Oklahoma State University The Korean Economic Association (KEA) Jaebeom Kim, Oklahoma State University Middle East Economic Association (MEEA) Shawkat Hammoudeh, Drexel University Jeffrey Nugent, University of Southern California Rahel Schomaker, German University of Administrative Science Speyer, and Carinthia University of Applied Sciences National Association of Forensic Economics (NAFE) Christina Tapia, NW Economics North American Association of Sports Economists (NAASE) Jane Ruseski, West Virginia University Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) John Ifcher, Santa Clara University Transportation and Public Utilities Group (TPUG) Wesley W. Wilson, University of Oregon Volunteer Program Participation Present a Paper | Deadline December 15, 2017 -- Submissions are no longer being accepted. Sorry! Confirmation/acceptance emails will go out in mid-February. Requirements for submission: Abstract of 350 words or less including a statement of the research or policy question and the contribution made by the paper; as well as method(s), model(s) and, if applicable, relevant data including time frame and geographical scope; paper title; and paper topic area (three appropriate codes from the JEL Classification System). Paper presenter's name, professional affiliation, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, academic degrees held; same information for coauthors. Submission and registration are included in a single participation fee -- $220 for WEAI members, $290 for non-members, $125 for member students, and $160 for non-member students. Non-members are invited to join now and take advantage of the member savings! WEAI Institutional Member affiliates receive a 20 percent discount on conference participation fees. Cancellations: On or before March 1, 50% of the participation fee is refundable. After March 1, the participation fee is non-refundable due to the high administrative cost of reorganizing the affected sessions and participants. Cancellations must be in writing and are subject to a $25 handling fee. Discuss a Paper or Chair a Session | Deadline March 1, 2018 -- volunteer online here Discuss a paper and give others the benefits of your expertise. Discussants are needed in all topic areas. Chair a session and foster the exchange of ideas. Organized Session Participation Organize a Session | Deadline February 1, 2018 Members may organize their own sessions. Participation fees are lower for all papers in organized sessions (no paper submission fee applies). WEAI members who are affiliated with a WEAI Institutional Member, and who organize a session, receive complimentary conference registration. For more information, read the Guidelines for Conference Session Organizers. For more information or to submit a session, contact sessions@weai.org. Tentative Schedule Tuesday, June 26 1:00 pm-8:00 pm -- Registration Open 2:30 pm-4:15 pm -- Concurrent Sessions 4:30 pm-6:15 pm -- Concurrent Sessions 6:30 pm-8:00 pm -- Welcome Reception Wednesday, June 27 7:30 am-6:30 pm -- Registration Open 8:15 am-10:00 am -- Concurrent Sessions 10:15 am-12:00 n -- Concurrent Sessions 12:30 pm-2:15 pm -- Concurrent Sessions 2:30 pm-4:15 pm -- Concurrent Sessions 4:30 pm-6:15 pm -- Concurrent Sessions Thursday, June 28 8:00 am-6:30 pm -- Registration Open 8:15 am-10:00 am -- Concurrent Sessions 10:15 am-12:00 n -- Keynote Address, Charles Manski, Northwestern University 12:15 pm-2:15 pm -- Presidential Luncheon and Annual Business Meeting, Orley Ashenfelter, Princeton University 2:30 pm-4:15 pm -- Concurrent Sessions 4:30 pm-6:15 pm -- Concurrent Sessions Friday, June 29 8:00 am-6:30 pm -- Registration Open 8:15 am-10:00 am -- Concurrent Sessions 10:15 am-12:00 n -- Concurrent Sessions 12:30 pm-2:15 pm -- Concurrent Sessions 2:30 pm-4:15 pm -- Concurrent Sessions 4:30 pm-6:15 pm -- Concurrent Sessions Saturday, June 30 8:00 am-12:00 pm -- Registration Open 8:15 am-10:00 am -- Concurrent Sessions 10:15 am-12:00 n -- Concurrent Sessions Conference Close Special Activities WEAI Welcome Reception | Tuesday, June 26, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Take time to relax, renew old acquaintances, and make new friends at the WEAI Welcome Reception. There will be a cash bar. Presidential Luncheon and Annual Business Meeting | Thursday, June 28, 12:15 to 2:15 p.m. Features an address by WEAI President Orley Ashenfelter, Princeton University. Tickets are required and seating will be allotted on a first-come, first-served basis so make your reservation early. Reservation deadline is June 1. Vegetarian meals are available upon request to your server. Registered guests are welcome to attend the luncheon as well, provided a seat has been reserved ahead of time. General ticket information: Children (of all ages) must have a ticket for all special activities. Luncheon ticket(s) and any special activity ticket(s), will be included in the registration packet you will receive on-site. Space is limited for special activities. Please purchase or reserve all special activity tickets by June 1. Cancellations must be made in writing by June 1 to receive a refund. We are unable to give refunds for late cancellations. Registration Policies Everyone over the age of 18 must register, including spouses and adult guests. Program participants must register for the conference in order to remain on the program. Badges are required at all conference events, including sessions, coffee breaks, receptions, special activities, and the Presidential Luncheon. Early Bird registration discount of $45 applies until May 15. Pre-registration closes on June 15, after which individuals may register onsite at the conference beginning on June 25. Registration Benefits Conference program with all participant email and phone contacts. Admittance to all general and concurrent sessions; coffee breaks; WEAI's Welcome Reception; and Presidential Luncheon, with advance reservation (see below). Waiver of manuscript submission fees for current members submitting their conference paper to Economic Inquiry or Contemporary Economic Policy by December 31, 2018. Cancellation & Refund Policies Cancellations must be received in writing. Please e-mail sessions@weai.org. Program participants must advise the participants in their session(s) of their cancellation. Refunds for volunteer program participants: On or before March 1, fifty percent (50%) of participation fee is refundable. After March 1, the participation fee is non-refundable due to the high cost of rearranging the affected sessions. Refunds for all others: On or before June 1, the full registration fee is refundable, less $25 handling fee. After June 1, the registration fee is non-refundable. Membership dues are non-refundable. Refunds will be processed after the conference and are subject to a $25 handling fee. Audio-Visual Equipment LCD projectors and screens will be provided in each meeting room. LAPTOP COMPUTERS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED, so coordinate with your fellow session participants if you need one available. Overhead projectors available by reservation only. Call 714-965-8800 or email WEAI with your session number, day, and time, and we will arrange to have an overhead available for your presentation. Mac users be sure to bring your Mini Display Port to HDMI and/or VGA adapter for connectivity to the projector. If other equipment is required please call 714-965-8800 for prices and availability. Additional equipment is at your own expense. Important Dates March 1: Volunteer program participants' cancellation deadline with 50% refund. May 15: Session chairs finalize paper-discussant assignments. May 15: $45 Early Bird registration discount expires. June 1: Deadline to purchase/reserve special activity tickets. June 1: Paper presenters circulate papers to all session participants. June 1: Cancellation and refund deadline (for all except volunteer program participants, see March 1 above). June 2: Last day to make room reservations at the conference rate. June 15: Last day to pre-register.
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.