ICACS 2018 Beijing, China ● July 27-29, 2018 Conference Message|关于ICACS 2018 2018 2nd International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Systems (ICACS 2018) will take place in Beijing, China during July 27-29, 2018. This conference aims to be an excellent setting to discuss the current progress in Algorithms, Computing and Systems, the development based upon new concepts, and the advances in modern computer science. It provides a platform for scholars, scientists, engineers and students from universities and industry from all around the world to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster further research relationships between universities and industry. Conference Proceedings|会议论文集 Submitted papers will be peer reviewed and accepted papers after proper registration will be published into conference proceedings, which will be submitted for index by Ei Compendex and Scopus. 本次会议论文将收录在会议论文集,并提交Ei 核心和Scopus检索。 Template Download The conference proceedings of ICACS 2017 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. (Click) ICACS 2017 会议论文集已被Ei Compendex和Scopus检索。(点击查看) How to attend? The conference is open to public (one needs to register first). In general, there are 4 types of participants to this conference, which are given as follows: 1. Authors Making a presentation at the conference and publishing the paper in the proceedings *Submit your Full Paper first to start with; Click to submit your paper via Easychair Submission System 2. Presenters Making a presentation only at the conference without paper publication *Submit your paper abstract first to start with; Click to submit your abstract via Easychair Submission System 3. Listeners Participating in the conference only without presentation or paper publication *Download the listener registration form first to start with; send the filled form to the conference secretary at icacs@iacsit.net for successful registration confirmation 4. Sponsors / Partners If you are interested in sponsoring or cooperating with ICACS 2018, please contact us at icacs@iacsit.net.
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