Designed for accredited schools, the Continuous Improvement Review (CIR) Seminar is beneficial for taking an in-depth look at the CIR process from the first year of the cycle until the CIR visit. It is recommended that this seminar is attended two years before a scheduled visit.

This seminar begins with a discussion of the accreditation foundation, which leads into a review of the accreditation standards, giving particular focus to the changes in the standards. The review is followed by an exploration of the CIR philosophy and all of its elements, allowing for a greater understanding of the CIR process.

You will learn about the three key accreditation committees and the peer review team to better understand their purpose and how they fit into the CIR process. You will also gain detailed insight into the CIR report, which will be reviewed in each of its components. You will examine how your school’s strategies and outcomes relate to engagement, innovation, and impact.

By the end of this seminar, you will have a greater understanding of the CIR purpose, expectations, and processes.

Continue building your peer network while developing the best strategy for your school’s continued improvement review.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the philosophy behind the CIR process
  • Learn to prepare a CIR application and CIR report, including tables
  • Explore the elements of a successful CIR process
  • Review the CIR timeline
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of the applicant, team member, and committee
  • Learn possible recommendation outcomes, such as extension of accreditation and a CIR2

Who Should Attend:

Accredited members, newly accredited members, members whose CIR visit is coming up in the next three years, and CIR team members.

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