By the time today's children reach old age, living to 100 will be commonplace. Professor Carstensen will discuss scientific advances that can improve quality of life for all ages so that people arrive at old age mentally sharp, physically fit, and financially secure.
Laura Carstensen is the Fairleigh S. Dickinson Jr. Professor in Public Policy, professor of psychology, and the founding director of the Stanford Center on Longevity, which explores innovative ways to build a culture that supports long life solve the problems of people over 50 while improving the well-being of people of all ages. Her research focuses on life-span development and she is known best for her socioemotional selectivity theory, a life-span theory of motivation.
Laura Carstensen is the Fairleigh S. Dickinson Jr. Professor in Public Policy, professor of psychology, and the founding director of the Stanford Center on Longevity, which explores innovative ways to build a culture that supports long life solve the problems of people over 50 while improving the well-being of people of all ages. Her research focuses on life-span development and she is known best for her socioemotional selectivity theory, a life-span theory of motivation.

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