Federal Identity Forum & Exposition

Formerly known as the Global Identity Summit, the Federal Identity Forum & Exposition (FedID 17) is the U.S. federal government’s primary outreach and collaboration-building event with the worldwide identity community. FedID is held annually and is designed to:

  • Promote a comprehensive understanding of current capabilities, pending needs, market trends and future directions of both the federal government and the entire identity community.
  • Initiate and advance public-private and cross-discipline collaboration necessary for the continued advancement and appropriate application of identity and access management disciplines across all mission spaces.

Homeland Security Conference

Detect, Enforce, Secure: Partners Serving our Nation

Through panel discussions, keynote speakers and networking opportunities, the Homeland Security Conference informs diverse protection professionals—from subject matter experts to frontline responders. The coordinated and end-to-end collaboration the variety of tasks securing the homeland require investigating a number of areas. To meet this need, the event includes discussions about:

  • Border Security
  • Insider Threat/Homegrown Terrorism
  • Human Capital Initiatives
  • IT Security Challenges
  • DHS Procurement processes/policies

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