CETAS provides the right forum for authors and speakers to present their work at various annual conferences worldwide. CETAS continuously updates its database with opportunities to submit abstracts and papers.

Conference publications

CETAS produces cutting-edge conference publications in various technology areas that are recognized by academia and industry worldwide. Articles submitted for publication follow a paper selection process and are peer-reviewed before they are published.

Attending CETAS International Conferences:

1. All participants must register before coming to the conference by paying the specified amount mentioned at the registration menu of the Official Conference Website or written letter from the Organizing Secretary.
2. All participants must follow the official Conference page only regularly for getting the latest information about the event.

Conference Tracks

CETAS is now accepting manuscripts. Prospective authors are invited to submit their paper to Email Address: cetas@esrdb.com
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • Basic Science
  • ICT
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Business Management
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