The American College of Sports Medicine and the Department of Health and Human Services recommend that Americans engage in strength training exercises at least two days each week. There are several options to accomplish this goal including lifting free weights, using strength training machines, elastic-resistive bands or doing exercises such as push-ups and curl-ups.

Strength training with resistance bands has unique benefits because the bands are inexpensive, portable and simple to use. UA Life & Work Connections offers free Resistance Bands for Muscle Strength classes for UA employees on campus two days a week to provide a convenient opportunity to meet strength training goals. No special clothing is required and bands are available for purchase in class.



Campus:Main Campus
Location: Student Union Memorial Center, Presidio Room Tucson , AZ United States

contact info & links
Department/Unit:Life & Work Connections
Contact Person:Jodi Charvoz
Contact's Phone:520-621-2493
Contact's (link sends e-mail)
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