Early embryonic development of many animals and plants is programmed by maternal gene products that are loaded into the female gamete during oogenesis. After elimination of a subset of these products, transcription is initiated and developmental control passes to the zygotic genome. This handover is referred to as the maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT). The temporal regulation of this transition is remarkably precise and involves the coordination of many cellular processes, including remodeling of the cell cycle, activation of checkpoints and dramatic changes in chromatin architecture and DNA replication control. By uniquely bringing together expertise in the various areas of this important developmental transition, this EMBO Workshop aims to generate synergistic insight into how all these different processes combine to ensure faithful development across eukaryotes.

Registration deadline:

15 February 2017

Abstract submission deadline:

13 January 2017

Selected participants will be notified by:

27 January 2017

Payment deadline

03 March 2017

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