Duration: 1 Day
This course will teach the importance of design and manufacturing tools that are intended to help prevent failures and defects from occurring and reaching the customer.

Benefits of Attending:

  • Save time by an organized systematic approach to completing FMEA’s
  • Save money by preventing failures in upfront planning, incorporate prevention and detection methods into the manufacturing process and design
  • Promote effective communication between departments
  • Learning to provide a framework for continuous improvement through feedback assessment and corrective actions.

Who Should Attend?

  • Cross-functional team members
  • Program managers, engineers that work with design, product and manufacturing of products
  • Manufacturing team leaders and supervisors
  • Quality and material personnel

Important Payment Information:

Payment will be billed 10 days prior to the beginning of the seminar and are non-refundable in the event that the participant cancels within that 10 day time period.

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