We are pleased to announce the "Learning Better" symposium, featuring Mark McDaniel, professor of psychology and director of the Center for Integrative Research on Cognition, Learning and Education (CIRCLE) at Washington University, and co-author of the recently published book Make-It-Stick. This event is hosted by the recently established Center for University Education Scholarship (CUES).

Keynote Presentation: 'Make Learning Stick: Evidence Based Techniques to Improve Instruction and Student Learning'

The symposium will begin with lunch and will be followed by a presentation by Mark McDaniel. The symposium will also include a panel discussion and an opportunity to discuss innovations and scholarship on teaching, and learning with colleagues who share your interests.

UA faculty and staff are invited to attend. Registration is required, offered on a first come, first serve basis, and is limited to 100 participants.

To register, please complete the form at: https://uarizona.co1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_4I2M18bDsuEPG0R

You will receive a confirmation of your registration and further details prior to the event. However, if you have any immediate questions, please contact Debra Tomanek, dtomanek@email.arizona.edu

Audience:UA Employees


Campus:Main Campus
Location: Tucson Marriott University Park, 880 E 2nd St. Tucson , AZ United States

contact info & links
Department/Unit:Center for University Education Scholarship (CUES)
Contact Person:Deb Tomanek
Contact's Email:dtomanek@email.arizona.edu
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