The Online Nursing Mastery Series focuses on the knowledge and skills to use multimedia technologies confidently and effectively in the design and teaching of online nursing courses. Through a series of workshops, you will explore theories for fostering student engagement through the integration of educational technology. You will explore research and best practices relevant to nurse educators, including how to increase social, cognitive, and teaching presence. You will upgrade your knowledge and skills to transform your online nursing courses into creative, engaging, and motivational courses for your online learners.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss and synthesize the nursing literature regarding online learning theories and best online learning practices
  • Create a multimedia instructional component for your current or future online course
  • Explain the influence of educational technology on social presence, satisfaction, and learning
  • Describe and incorporate into your course the three types of engagement in the online classroom
  • Create and present a final project which incorporates educational technology components based on teaching and learning theories and best practices in the online classroom