"Hopi Qatsi: Hopi Lifeways and Sustainability" – A presentation by Micah Loma'omvaya.

For more than a century, the Hopi have been the focus of an enormous amount of academic study. Real insight into this complex culture requires more than observation and interpretation, however. It requires first-hand knowledge from living practitioners. Loma'omvaya will provide you with a holistic overview of the components of Hopi life and culture that researchers tend to dissect, focusing on Hopi ancestry, land base, land use, and modern-day stewardship of natural and cultural resources. Reception to follow presentation.

The Center for English as a Second Language (CESL) is one building east of Arizona State Museum north. This is a presentation of the Arnold and Doris Roland Distinguished Speaker Series, made possible by the generosity of Dr. and Mrs. Roland. Reception underwritten by the Arizona State Museum's Director's Council.


Campus:Main Campus
Location: Center for English as a Second Language, Room 103 Tucson , AZ United States

contact info & links
Department/Unit:Arizona State Museum
Contact Person:Darlene Lizarraga
Contact's Phone:520-626-8381
Contact's Email:dfl@email.arizona.edu
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