Examination, assessment and spinal and cranial adjusting for the child using specialized meningeal and structural techniques founded on Sacro Occipital Technique principles. Demonstrates spinal and cranial adjusting techniques that can be implemented into your current practice paradigm to expand your effectiveness and capabilities with your pediatric patients. Hands on workshop.

There are three ICPA payment options for the entire series.

1- Pay-As-You Go

Get online once per month and register yourself for the class.Be sure to do so before 10am eastern time on Friday the week of the seminar, as there is a late fee after that time.

2- Auto-Registration:

Streamline your registration process by choosing the convenient service of our Auto-Registration option. To be per-registered for for every class in the location of your choice, select the Entire Series (Auto-Registration) option at checkout and agree to the Auto-Registration Terms below. Your card will automatically be charged the Monday before each scheduled weekend. Make up any missed classes at any of our locations (MN and Dallas excluded). This service is available to ICPA auto-renewal members.

3- ICPA Member Pay-In-Full:

Streamline your registration process and save the most by choosing our Pay-In-Full option. To be per-registered for every class in the location of your choice, select the Entire Series (Pay-In-Full) option at checkout and agree to the Pay-In-Full Terms below. Make up any missed classes at any of our locations (MN and Dallas excluded). This service is available to ICPA auto-renewal members.

با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کارگاه‌های آموزشی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کارگاه آموزشی بپردازید.