:سرفصل های دوره


-System Architecture

Determine and configure hardware settings

Boot the system

Change runlevels and shutdown or reboot system

-Linux Installation and Package Management

Design hard disk layout

Install a boot manager

Manage shared libraries

Use Debian package management

Use RPM and YUM package management

-GNU and Unix Commands

Work on the command line

Process text streams using filters

Perform basic file management

Use streams, pipes and redirects

Create, monitor and kill processes

Modify process execution priorities

Search text files using regular expressions

Perform basic file editing operations using vi

-Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

Create partitions and filesystems

Maintain the integrity of filesystems

Control mounting and unmounting of filesystems

Manage disk quotas

Manage file permissions and ownership

Create and change hard and symbolic links

Find system files and place files in the correct location


-Shells, Scripting and Data Management

Customize and use the shell environment

SQL data management

-user Interfaces and Desktops

Install and configure X11

Setup a display manager


-Administrative Tasks

Manage user and group accounts and related system files

Automate system administration tasks by scheduling jobs

Localisation and internationalisation

-Essential System Services

Maintain system time

System logging

Mail Tranfer Agent (MTA) basics

Manage printers and printing

-Networking Fundamentals

Fundamentals of internet protocols

Basic network configuration

Basic network troubleshooting

Configure client side DNS


Perform security administration tasks

Setup host security

Securing data with encryption

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