The five component model of the Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC) broken down. Potential causes of the VSC, and it's proposed neurological implications on the human body are described in a clear and concise manner, giving the doctor a practical understanding of the material. The neurological model presented will outline the VSC's proposed aberrant effect on proprioception, nociception, immunity and the ANS. The neurological effects will be detailed at the site of subluxation, as well as the potential global effects on the human body.

In addition to the neurology, an in depth consultation and demonstration on Advanced Thompson Analysis for children, will implement a very large practical component to this weekend. Full spine analysis, detection and adjustments will be practiced within the seminar, providing a hands-on learning environment. The effects of each adjustment will be tied back to the neurology of the VSC, ensuring practical understanding of all topics covered.

Note: Required Material for the class: Portable tables, Dolls, Toggle boards if you have them to class.

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