ABIM is the premier global meeting for the biocontrol industry and is
internationally recognised as the global platform for the industry to
network, discover and unveil new products, market opportunities and
research areas. But as well as promoting biocontrol and networking it is
the platform to liaise with and inform policy makers and regulators of
the specific needs of our unique growth industry.
During the
three days of the 11th conference, over 898 delegates from 48 countries
representing 426 companies and organizations from all over the globe
were present and exchanged experiences and obtained information on the
latest products and developments on the world market. Two keynote
speeches and one panel discussion enriched the programme. The scientific
programme with 8 sessions with 29 presentations covered the latest
developments in market development, regulatory affairs and novel
products for plant protection. The exhibition was at the core of the
congress, giving 59 companies excellent visibility.