The 9th Int'l Conference on Microwave and Terahertz Technology (ICMTT 2026) will be held during January 9-11, 2026 in Sanya, China. You are invited to submit papers/abstracts and participate in our academic exchange.

The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

Microwave and Terahertz Communication
Microwave and THz Imaging Systems
Active and Passive THz Devices
Microwave and THz Antennas
Microwave and Terahertz Materials
THz Spectroscopy and Sensing
Metamaterials and Plasmonics for THz Applications
Photonic-Based THz Generation and Detection
Microwave and THz Power Amplifiers
THz Biomedical Applications
Microwave and THz Radars
Microwave and THz Chip-Scale Integration
Computational and Simulation Techniques
Quantum Technologies in THz Regime
THz and Millimeter-Wave Wireless Power Transfer
Secure and Stealth Communications in the THz Spectrum
Microwave and THz Plasma Applications
AI and Machine Learning in Microwave and THz Systems
MEMS and NEMS for Microwave and THz Applications
THz-Based Space Communication and Astronomy
Biomedical and Pharmaceutical THz Applications
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) and Millimeter-Wave Technologies
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