With an ever-increasing demand for the full breadth of Information Warfare (IW) capabilities, this year we will "up the game" on the information being provided at Navy IW Industry Day. At the same time we will also increase the time devoted to meaningful dialogue with industry partners. The full agenda will be available soon; however, one panel that has been confirmed is the first-ever “Capabilities Panel” at Navy IW Industry Day where Rear Admiral Mike Manazir, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfare Systems (OPNAV N9), will join Vice Admiral Jan Tighe, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare (OPNAV N2/N6) . Together these two senior leaders will discuss their efforts to ensure that Navy and Joint forces have the full range of capabilities they need to fight and win, fully leveraging IW capabilities to optimize the performance of all warfighting systems. Navy IW leaders will also talk about new initiatives that are being pursued, specifically focusing on planning for Navy Digital Warfare. Finally, we also expect to have Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. Tenth Fleet, SPAWAR and the Office of Naval Research on hand to highlight their programs and initiatives. All of the speakers intend to take full advantage of the venue's ability to support discussions at the SECRET level. Speakers and other key leaders will be available for off-line discussions during networking breaks and the lunch hour as well. In view of the new and exciting digital transformation that Navy is embarking upon, the 2017 Navy Information Warfare Industry Day promises to provide unique value and insight into the IW strategy and way ahead.
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