Negotiation is a highly skilled activity - business success or failure can depend on it. Negotiation can be particularly challenging across different cultures, or in multi-party and other complex contexts. All directors and senior leaders can become more effective negotiators by recognizing how best to deploy their skills at each stage of the negotiation from preparation through to completion. Even post-completion, skilled negotiation is required to resolve emerging problems as a deal is executed or a service provided. With insight into the processes of negotiation, you will be able to manage what is both a complex and sophisticated activity for all parties.

Course Benefits

  • Develops your understanding and confidence to negotiate well with clients, suppliers, other external and internal business associates
  • Practical work on negotiation, which is reviewed with constructive individual feedback to help enhance your negotiation skills
  • Practical work on one of your own real and current negotiations, and re-negotiations such as renewals
  • Limited to 12 delegates, the programme is highly participative with high levels of feedback
  • Provides tools which you can use immediately to raise the quality of your negotiations

Learning Objectives

Participation on the course will provide you with the knowledge to:

  • Adapt your strategy and style to be effective in negotiating across different business or international cultures
  • Better understand and utilise the psychology of negotiation
  • Address both internal and external negotiations
  • Plan and execute multi-party and other complex negotiations, and re-negotiations
  • Prepare an optimum strategy for each negotiation with multiple options to create value
  • Anticipate how to deal with pressure, tricks and tensions that can arise during negotiations
  • Recognise where negotiations can resolve differences and create value
  • Enable you and the other party to generate and consider game changing solutions
  • Explore ways to maximise return on investment (ROI) in the months following attendance

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