This 3-part lecture series features Sara Lawrence-Light-foot, the Emily Hargroves Fisher Professor of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and will focus on the educational themes in her work on parents and parenting.

Professor Lawrence-Light-foot will guide the lectures through the consideration of three of her books: Balm in Gilead: Journey Of A Healer (1989); The Essential Conversation: What Parents and Teachers Can Learn From Each Other (2003); and Growing Each Other Up: When Our Children Become Our Teachers (2016).

This lecture series is a retrospective, tracing the themes of teaching and learning, loss and liberation, and love and suffering that appear and reappear in these works Professor Lawrence-Light-foot will also track her own scholarly/personal journey across a changing educational and cultural ecology, and consider the methodology of portraiture as a lens for witnessing and documenting powerful, complex, and intimate relationships.

Contact Name:Brendan Russell
Contact Phone:617-495-4989
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