The European GeoInformation Symposium & Exhibition will focus on
how huge and constantly growing amounts of related data and datasets can
be handled simultaneously, efficiently and effectively to provide
guidance for future-oriented decision making. The exponentially rising
amount of geoinformation calls for adequate, future-oriented data
management. If appropriately designed to meet future needs, a dedicated
big data approach may offer broad opportunities for long-term as well as
instant analyses and related services. The approach requires
cutting-edge technology in the hardware and software domains. Hardware
must be built according to the respective architectural requirements,
and software needs to be designed according to user needs and concepts
for implementation, even in existing workflows. Both aspects must be
addressed to create optimized geoinformation services, based on
geospatial and environmental data that either exist or will become
The symposium will provide an appropriate platform for the key
players, including the armed forces and authorities with security
functions as well as the research and industry sectors. The participants
will demonstrate their own capabilities, raise issues and probe
opportunities for cooperation. Additionally, an industry exhibition will
allow attendees to take a close look at cutting-edge hardware and
software applications.
Session Topics:
Requirements and Architectures
Strategies and Methods
Analytics of Environmental and Geospatial Data
GeoInformation Services
Confirmed Keynote Speakers and Panelists:
Dr. Ralf Brauksiepe, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Defence, Germany
Mr. Klaus Hardy Mühleck, Head of Directorate General Cyber and Information Technology, Federal Ministry of Defence, Germany
Lieutenant General Martin Schelleis, Chief of Staff of the Joint Support Service, Germany
Lieutenant General Ludwig Leinhos, Chief of the German Armed Forces Cyber Information Domain Service
Dr. Jamie Shea, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, NATO HQ
Professor Dr. Stefan Dech, Director DFD, German Aerospace Center, Earth Observation Center, German Remote Sensing Data Center (DEU)
Dr. Paul Becker, Vice President, German Meteorological Service (DWD)
Brigadier General Friedrich Teichmann, Head of the Institute for Military GeoScience, Austria
Mr. Justin Poole, Director Source Operations and Management, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency