Expertise required in the areas of

- Physical geo-chemist, surface chemistry
- Complex fluids and flow in porous media (advective-diffusive-reactive, mixed fluids, particle laden)
- Material science and novel engineered materials relevant to drilling, monitoring, healing seals
- Coupled HTCM processes – Spatial variability – Multiscale analyses
- Sensors – IT – Robotics. Advanced logging and sensing. Novel sensors and sensing concepts. Data analysis. New concepts for production monitoring and reservoir management

Resource-related applications, including oil, gas and water. Examples are IOR/EOR, shale development, CCS, geothermal, aquifer management

he interface between science and engineering. With clear expertise in one or more research approach (experimental, numerical, and/or analytical)

Value added: 
Experience in extreme P&T conditions. Prior interactions with industry.

PSE division invites applications for faculty position at all ranks (Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, with preference given to Assistant and Associate professor levels.

Ph.D. degree is required

Application Instructions
Applicants are required to complete an online application form. They must also upload a single PDF file including the following:
- Up-to-date CV which includes full publication list
- Statement of research interests
- A statement of teaching interests
- A list of the names/affiliation and contact details of at least four potential referees
- Two citation reports (Web of Science and Scopus)Copies of most relevant publications (Maximum of five)

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