Appointment Type:

Student Employee

Job Location :


Min Hourly Rate

$10.75 (Standard); $10.50 (Non-Urban); $12.00 (Portland Metro)

Max Hourly Rate:

$17.00 (Standard & Portland Metro); $16.50 (Non-Urban)

Position Summary:

The seasonal position will require a student to perform office and fieldwork based out of the Oregon State University Extension Office in Malheur county. Responsibilities include working on multi-media and rangeland-based beef projects related to improving the sagebrush steppe of southeastern Oregon.

Position Duties:

- Video production and photography in the sagebrush steppe of Malheur and Harney Counties

- Recording rangeland data in Excel and creating tables and figures

-Collecting vegetative data for rangeland-based beef cattle experiments

-Administrative tasks at extension programs

Minimum Qualifications:

Employment Eligibility Requirements (

Working Conditions / Work Schedule:

-Employee may be exposed to inclement weather conditions

-Employee may need to maneuver items that weigh up to 50 pounds

-Employees work schedule will be set according to class schedule

-Evening shifts required

با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، فرصتهای شغلی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا یک فرصت شغلی را معرفی نمایید.