Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences invites applicants for a full time associate professorship position. We seek a highly motivated scholar with good communication skills who is willing to work as part of a team. The fields of interest should preferably complement the research activities by the current group members and be suitable for initiating interdisciplinary research with other programs. The successful candidate must have a strong record and potential for top quality scholarly publication, as well as promise of outstanding teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. 

Ph.D. degree in History

Research Areas: 
Law, politics, religion and bureaucracy in the Ottoman Empire; Islamic history in general; history of education and science in the Islamic world.

The candidate must demonstrate research excellence with published articles on the above topics, in the international journals, indexed in the Web of Science.

Sabancı University, a private, innovative academic institution, offers excellent facilities at a modern campus located in Istanbul. It is strongly committed to interdisciplinary research and teaching both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The medium of instruction is English. The university admits top-ranking students for its undergraduate programs through a centralized university entrance examination and offers a wide range of graduate programs and research opportunities for talented graduate students. It provides faculty members excellent support, including housing on campus if available or a housing stipend. All Information Center support will be provided to the recruited faculty. More information about University and the programs is available at 

Faculty of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Sabancı University accepts academic resumes through a web-based applicant tracking system. Applicants are asked to complete an online application form through the University website ( 

Deadline for application submissions is March 20th, 2020.

با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، فرصتهای شغلی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا یک فرصت شغلی را معرفی نمایید.