
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) at Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida invites applications for a full-time, continuing track position of Assistant Professor of Computer Science, beginning in August 2019. The MCS Department offers the BS degree in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computer Information Science.

This full-time Assistant Professor of Computer Science teaches undergraduate courses; provides academic advising and mentoring to undergraduate students, including supervision of undergraduate research; contributes to Computer information Sciences, departmental, college, university and professional service; and engages in sustained scholarship.

Essential Functions

  • The applicant should be able to teach courses and develop curriculum in cybersecurity, data communications, networking, computer programming, virtualization, and cloud computing.
  • In addition, s/he should be able to teach content areas that include operating systems, programming languages, and data structures.
  • The ideal candidate would engage students in undergraduate research and offer, academic advising to undergraduate students, supervision of undergraduate research, departmental service, university service, community service, and sustained scholarship.


  • The position requires a PhD in Computer Science or closely related field.
  • Applicants should submit a letter of interest detailing their teaching philosophy, curriculum vitae, and names and contact information of three references
  • Experience with developing and teaching distance courses is welcomed.

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