Job no: 589393
Work type: Faculty/Academic Staff
Major Administrative Unit / College: Eli Broad College Of Business
Department: Management 10008566
Salary: Salary Commensurate with Experience
Location: East Lansing
Categories: Part Time (1-49.9%), Fixed Term Faculty, Education/Training, Union

Position Summary

The Department of Management seeks applications for a pool of qualified fixed-term instructors to teach courses in Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior, Ethics & Diversity, Sports Business Management, Retail Management, and Entrepreneurship. The review of applications is ongoing and continuous.

Please note that the part time positions vary by semester, depending on the needs of the department. It is possible that no positions are needed in some semesters. Position may include online instruction, on campus instruction, or both.

Responsibilities include:

  • Teaching lower and/or upper division courses, based on qualifications, in one of the topics listed above
  • Holding office hours
  • Preparing course materials
  • Grading assignments
  • Following course policies and guidelines
  • Attending all workshops and meetings required for the class
  • Preparing syllabi

Appointments are initially for one year or one semester, depending on scheduling needs, but may be renewed based on funding and performance.

Required Degree


Minimum Requirements

  • Assistant Instructor rank requires a Bachelor's degree.
  • Instructor rank requires a Master's degree.
  • Assistant Professor rank requires a Ph. D.

All ranks should hold a relevant area of scholarship, have the ability to teach a diverse student population, be able to demonstrate exceptional ability or potential as a classroom instructor through summarized peer and/or student evaluations, and/or explicit commentary in letters of recommendation and/or extensive experience in the area of management.

To be given consideration, applicants must provide a cover letter describing their primary teaching interests and accomplishments, a curriculum vitae, a recent sample of teaching evaluations, and three letters of recommendation.

با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، فرصتهای شغلی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا یک فرصت شغلی را معرفی نمایید.