Department Summary

About the School of Education at UNT Dallas:
Our public schools are the great equalizer of our society. Education can help us end poverty. It can promote social justice. Education can help end discrimination and promote diversity. The education of this generation will determine the world our next generation inherits. However, our schools can only be as effective as its teachers. That’s why the University of North Texas at Dallas’ School of Education provides a world-class educational program designed to train tomorrow’s teachers via a holistic approach, equipping these critical leaders with the most current teaching competencies and clinical skills along with social and emotional learning tools needed for success in today’s classrooms.

Position Summary

The University of North Texas at Dallas invites applications for a tenure track Assistant/Associate professor of Bilingual Teacher Education to commence in Fall 2020. The selected candidate will be expected to provide leadership and vision for our Texas Education Agency accredited teacher education program with large numbers of bilingual education students.

با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، فرصتهای شغلی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا یک فرصت شغلی را معرفی نمایید.