
The Physician Assistant Program at Barry University is currently seeking a Rotation Specialist. This is a full time position at the Main Campus.

The Rotation Specialist is responsible for establishing preceptors and clinical rotation sites for students at both St Pete and Miami Campuses. This includes communication with preceptors and clinical sites and with students to set up new rotations. Collection and verification of preceptor application documents, liaison with the PA Program medical director for approvals. Liaison with the Barry University legal department for preparation and signing of affiliation agreements and other contracts related to clinical rotation sites. Enter all above information into and maintain an electronic database to facilitate the access of accurate information to the entire program. Multiple reports for ARC-PA are obtained from the PA Manager database. Coordinate with other programs in CNHS to facilitate multi-program affiliation agreements and access to clinical rotation sites between programs.

Essential Functions

Establish new preceptors and clinical rotation sites via affiliation agreements between the university, hospitals, facilities and sites for students at both St Pete and Miami campuses.

  • Act as liaison between Barry University legal department and outside facilities legal departments to full execute agreements.
  • Communicate with students, internal personnel, and external personnel including physicians and legal departments
  • Collect documents and review applications with supporting documentation from potential preceptors then submit for approval by the Medical Director. Obtain via various sources, or request additional documentation, explanations needed on the documentation received.
  • Contact and follow up on leads
  • Track student initiated rotations status and all sites and preceptors
  • Process of non-employee forms to give library access to preceptors.
  • Communicate with other CNHS employees for shared contract and rotation opportunities.

Oversee PA Affiliation Agreement System

  • Maintain list of agreement expiration dates, request renewals in advance to prevent expiration.
  • Request renewals and negotiate terms for various agreements that cover multiple programs at the University.

Manage data input and reporting

  • Input all prospective preceptors and sites of leads/contacts received
  • Determine status of preceptors/sites and input status, i.e. prospect, pending, active, inactive
  • Use database to run numerous reports to track work: i.e. expirations of agreements, licenses.
  • Prepare reports with pertinent information for Program and ARC-PA needs.
  • Filing of all original physical documents and must be housed on main campus according to ARC-PA.

EOR – End of Rotation events are 8 times a year and Pre-clinical meetings 2-3 times per year

  • Oversee the Miami Shores EOR (End of Rotation). Schedule, confirm speakers from Miami Shores, welcome and introduce them as needed. Post lectures to Canvas and obtain documentation for compensation to guests and lecturers. Reserve rooms for lectures.
  • Help administer and proctor end of rotation exams
  • Prepare schedules for CSE (Clinical Skill Exam) testing, help schedule and or confirm instructors. Assign cases to second year students who act as patients and send them the cases.
  • Separate and distribute documentation collected to various faculty members for grading
  • Monitor remedial for MS students that fail or are absent from a lecture or test during EOR
  • Collect all documents from EOR from all three campuses and file in student’s clinical file.
  • Coordinate Curriculum Committee by securing location of meeting, gather agenda items, prepare agenda and minutes.
  • Send out invitations with agenda and minutes from previous meeting. Participate in meetings, take minutes and order lunch if applicable.
  • Coordinate Summative File Review after rotation 8 for students to be ready for summative evaluations by their advisors.
  • Help plan and schedule pre-clinical meetings 2-3 times per year, coordinate with didactic schedule
  • Reserve rooms for pre-clinical meetings
  • Help schedule student individual pre-clinical planning meetings

Coordinate Clinical Orientation

  • Planning, organization of annual clinical orientation lectures, labs and activities.
  • Coordinate a two week event with lectures and workshops
  • Prepare multiple schedules for the different events
  • Obtain bids for workshops
  • Invite guests and lecturers for various events
  • Ensure that guests and lecturers provide documentation for compensation
  • Collect lectures, post to Canvas and copy for distribution if needed
  • Schedule rooms where events are to take place
  • Facilitate set up of rooms as required by instructors for workshop; lay out working materials
  • Set up appointments for students to obtain clinical badges
  • Request and post Syllabus
  • Request the set-up of all meals being served during the event
  • Assist with incoming documents; copy ACLS, PALS and BLS cards before distribution; send copies to campuses and mail them the originals
  • Prepare forms needed from students and provide them to the other campuses, i.e. professional dress inspections, receipt of CYM, housing form
  • Order and or purchase supplies as needed for workshop(s).
  • Post announcements for students with instructions on purchasing books for ACLS, PALS and BLS. Other reminders and or notifications as needed.
  • Monitor daily activities and handle any issues that may arise.

Clinical Year and Preceptor Handbooks & CME Letters – annually

  • Coordinate with marketing for covers for Clinical Year and Preceptor handbooks.
  • Get bids for printing of manuals
  • Coordinate printing of manuals to get them ready for distribution
  • Assist if needed with the distribution of the preceptor manuals
  • Assist Clinical Coordinators with CME Letter by running reports from PA Manager for all preceptors that took students during the year.
  • Help with the mass mailing as needed. Preparing, stuffing envelopes, mailing and entering information in PA Manager.

Additional Tasks

  • Complete administrative tasks for the program as needed by drafting letters, faxes, e-mails
  • Assist in taking minutes for other committees and meetings
  • Answer phones and cover switchboard or front desk when needed
  • Assist with projects that come up during the year (NSO, Commencement, Rite of passage, others)
  • Assist in ordering meals for various meeting/events in the department
  • Attend outside schedule events to support the program.
  • Attend training as required by program and or University


  • High school or GED diploma. A Bachelor's degree is preferred.
  • 3-5 years of related experience.
  • Must be able to anticipate contract needs and expiration dates for rotation placements.
  • Advanced skills using Microsoft Office Suite.
  • Must be able to take minutes and to compose other type of written communications.
  • Must be able to communicate in a professional manner that is representative of the University and PA Program.