The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) at Sabancı University invites applications for an open-rank, full-time or visiting position from outstanding candidates whose primary research interests involve International Relations (particularly international conflict, foreign policy or civil conflict), International Political Economy, Comparative Politics (particularly political behavior, political regime change or political economy) or Comparative Politics/Public Policy (particularly Turkish Politics, policy evaluation or social policy). 

The successful candidate will be expected to conduct high-impact research, undertake grant applications, supervise graduate students, engage in citizenship activities, and teach graduate and undergraduate courses.

Sabancı University is a private, department-free, innovative academic institution located in Istanbul. The University is strongly committed to interdisciplinary research and teaching both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The medium of instruction is English with a teaching load of two courses per semester. The University admits top-ranking students for its undergraduate programs through a centralized university entrance examination. Faculty members are provided with highly competitive salary and benefits including an annual personal research fund, health insurance, and housing on campus (or housing allowance). 

Review of applications will start immediately and continue until the position is filled. The successful candidate is expected to start in September 2020. 

Interested applicants should submit (i) a cover letter, (ii) a research statement, (iii) a teaching statement and related documents regarding the applicant’s teaching experience and preferences, (iv) a CV, (v) two research papers, and (vi) three letters of reference using the online application form of the University at: 

For further questions, please contact: 
İnci Ceydeli, Faculty Administrative Manager,

با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، فرصتهای شغلی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا یک فرصت شغلی را معرفی نمایید.