Hourly Rate:
20 hours per week
Job Description:
The mission of the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) is to support and promote the academic achievement, multicultural competence, social development, civic engagement, and retention of students from historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups at Syracuse University. Although OMA will support all students regardless of race or ethnicity, the four following groups have been denoted as the historically underrepresented groups most frequently served by OMA; Asian and Pacific Island students, Native students, Hispanic/Latino students and Black/African American students. Academic Consultants are an integral part of the Office of Multicultural Affairs team and are expected to work 20 hours per week.
The academic consultant (AC) for fullCIRCLE assists in the coordination of the fullCIRCLE mentoring program in the Office of Multicultural Affairs. fullCIRCLE is a sustainable, multilayered program designed to assist students in effectively adjusting to the different challenges of college life, including those that are academic, social, professional, and personal in nature, with the goal of retention. The program serves first-year (approximately 100) and upper-class students (approximately50 peer mentors). The AC works closely and collaboratively with the coordinator for mentoring programs and the associate director for mentoring programs and diversity education.
Academic consultants are provided a shared office space within the Office of Multicultural Affairs, and will be paid at an hourly wage of $17.50 per hour for 20 hours/week for a total of 33 weeks (Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 semesters, not including Thanksgiving Break, Winterlude, and Spring Break).
Be able to work with and meet deadlines
Be able to conduct oneself professionally and ethically in a setting where confidential and sensitive work regarding students is conducted
Be able to maintain confidentiality when working with students and student information
Be able to communicate and collaborate with staff in other offices across campus
Be able to work with students in individual and group settings
Possess excellent communication and organizational skills
Take initiative to improve current and/or to create new programs and processes
Have teaching experience in or is interested in the areas of multiculturalism, dialogue, or ethnic communication
Be familiar with student development and leadership theories
Respond to email, phone and other correspondence within a 24-hour period
Job Specific Qualifications:
Graduate Program Preferences:
Higher Education
Cultural Foundations of Education
Student Affairs Counseling