Work type: Faculty/Academic Staff
Major Administrative Unit / College: College Of Arts And Letters
Department: English
Salary: Salary Commensurate with Experience
Location: East Lansing
Categories: Full Time (90-100%), Fixed Term Faculty,
Education/Training, Union
Position Summary
The Department of English at Michigan State University invites applications for a fixed-term Assistant Professor position in English education with an expected start date of August 16, 2020. The English education program develops teachers who will value the assets youth bring with them, teach toward educational justice, and design meaningful learning experiences for young readers and writers. Across courses in the College of Arts and Letters and College of Education, the program centers critical and anti-racist language and literacy pedagogies, community-engaged arts and writing, and youth participatory approaches. The successful candidate's teaching responsibilities will be in the English education program. Applicants must be prepared to teach undergraduate courses in critical language pedagogies, writing pedagogies, community-engaged and critical literacies, and English language arts curriculum design. The successful candidate will be appointed on an academic year basis and teach 3 courses in the fall and spring semesters.
Required Degree
Doctorate –Education
Minimum Requirements
Doctoral degree in English Education, Language and Literacy, Teacher Education, or an equivalent field by the start date. Minimum of two years teaching English language arts in a secondary school context or equivalent community-based setting.
Desired Qualifications
The ideal candidate will have a critical disposition toward language, literacies, writing, and the teaching of English. This disposition may generate from a variety of intellectual traditions (e.g., critical race studies, ethic studies, feminisms and gender studies, etc.) and/or expressive inquiry through poetics, creative writing, etc. This disposition will be evident in the candidate's design of English education courses and desired outcomes for the aspiring English teachers who take their courses. We especially welcome participants with expertise centering the language, literacy, and writing practice of students and their communities through participatory research, asset-based approaches, and young adult literature pedagogies.
Required Application Materials
Applications must be submitted electronically to the Michigan State University Human Resources website at They should include:
Special Instructions
Inquiries may be directed to the chair of the search: Professor Emery Petchauer, Persons with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodation. Review of applications will begin on April 20th, 2020.