These lecture notes were written during the Fall/Spring 2013/14 semesters to accompany lectures of the course IEOR 4004: Introduction to Operations Research - Deterministic Models. The notes were meant to provide a succint summary of the material, most of which was loosely based on the book Winston-Venkataramanan: Introduction to Mathematical Programming (4th ed.), Brooks/Cole 2003. Other material (such as the dictionary notation) was adapted from Chvatal: Linear Programming, Freeman 1983 ´ and Dantzig-Thapa: Linear Programming, Springer-Verlag 1997. Various other bits were inspired by other lecture notes and sources on the Internet. These notes are not meant to replace any book; interested reader will find more details and examples in the Winston book in particular. I would like to thank students that helped me correct numerous mistakes in the earlier versions of the notes. Most likely all mistakes have not been yet caught, and so the reader should exercise caution should there be inconsistencies in the text. I am passing on the notes to Prof. Strickland who will continue making adjustments to the material as needed for the upcoming offerings of the course. Of course, any suggestions for improvements are welcomed from anyone interested.
operational research
Mathematical modeling
Linear Programming
Simplex method

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